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      Manuscript Critique

    Omar has extensive experience writing and editing picture books and YA manuscripts.

    Receive constructive feedback on your manuscript, with focus on things like:

    • Character development and motivation
    • Plot
    • Pacing and structure
    • Grammar / Spelling / Punctuation
    • Showing vs. Telling
    • and more
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      Publishing Consultation

    Publishing a book can be a mysterious process. Having an industry mentor can make all the difference.

    Discuss a plan for achieving your writing goals with personal advice on topics such as: query letters, finding an agent, pitching to publishers, self-publishing, and more!

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      Author Event

    Nothing inspires readers and writers more than building a relationship with an author. Omar loves to engage with readers and writers.

    School visits. Conferences. Interactive workshops. Any event you can imagine! See past events for ideas.

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      Pitch / Query Critique

    Your pitch is your book's first impression. It must be SHARP to hook agents and editors.

    Receive constructive feedback and guidance on your pitch.

Writing is tough.
Getting published is tricky.
Having an experienced mentor can make all the difference.

Ready to take your writing to the next level?